2022 was an amazing year for our team. Not only did we make the leap to become a formal CIC, but we also reached thousands of people and picked up a few awards along the way.
We wanted to share all of our success with you and so created this very handy Annual Report. In it you can read all about the amazing work we have done this year and our plans for 2023.
Bellow is the welcome message from our report written by our TECwomen CIC founder Caitlin Gould. However, we encourage you to check out the whole thing (See here OR find the downloadable PDF below) so you can read what we've been up to.
Happy Reading!
In 2019 we started TECgirls with an idea. What if we held events that got young girls (age 5-12) interested in technology, engineering and creative industries? Could we make a difference? We've since reached 000's of kids and ran workshops in schools, museums, community halls and colleges. We've built towers, created stop motion films, wired lighthouses, programmed micro:bits and even built automated watering stations for plants.
Having operated with support from Software Cornwall, we decided in 2022 to form TECwomen CIC and started doing more work with women in Cornwall. TECwomen CIC now runs all of the TECgirls events and projects, while continuing to explore how we help women thrive (not just survive) in digital and tech industries. As a formal CIC we now have our first employees, a great new office in the Hall for Cornwall and a clear path of support for girls of 5 to women of 105.
Reflecting back on the year, its clear to see that 2022 has been our best year yet. We've inspired 1270 people across 22 TECgirls live events and 2 TECwomen connect events. Of course, this wouldn't be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, partners and supporters and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you. Not only have we been supported through donations and funding, but there has been 300 hours of volunteer time logged by 10 active volunteers across events during 2022.
In November of this year, we were delighted to receive external validation for the work we are doing by scooping 3 awards at the Tech South West awards. These were for Commitment to Diversity, Best Education Initiative and the TechTeach Award.
We wish our organisation didn't need to exist and look forward to the time when we can re-brand to TECkids! But until then, we are passionate about our cause and have been busy in Q4 22 with building our ambitious plans to have even more impact in 2023 and beyond.
This report has been produced to share the impact that we've had this year and celebrate all that has been achieved. It details our 2022 projects under both the TECgirls and TECwomen brands and demonstrates the impact and legacy they have achieved.
- Caitlin Gould, TECwomen CIC Founder and Director